Captain Starrhart’s Exploratory Log (Day 01)

Document Title: Captain Starrhart’s Exploratory Log (Day 01)
Document Type: Travel Log
Source Type: Personal
Earth Gregorian Date: 04/12/2737 – 05/17/2738

Hello world.

By the time these logs reach you, twice the time will have passed since my departure. Let it not be said that space has become any less vast since we conquered the stars. For though, we may now fly amongst the planets and their sparkling brilliance, a gulf of lifetimes still dwells between the lands of our fathers and the heart of our galaxy. So then, let my life be lived in pursuit of this noblest of goals. For it is the heart of every human to explore, to look for something grander.

I’ve made my first jump during the drafting of this log, and I should soon like to explore the system at which I’ve arrived; however, I will continue to palaver for the sake of posterity. This journey shall be the first great exploration into the densely populated void that we know as the Milky Way. As they always say, the journey of a thousand light-years begins with the first jump.

My craft is of the finest make, outfitted for a prolonged journey into the furthest reaches of space. The vessel is supplied with several key systems to ensure the success of my mission. Engineers at the Peregrine Engineering Corporation developed several unique systems to accommodate the particular needs of such a protracted adventure.

These systems include a self-sustaining bio-system for recycling of organic waste, production of caloric energy, and supplemental environmental conditioning. Perhaps the most ingenious development was the prototype pseudo-Dyson system, for harnessing the unceasing power of the stars to which I sojourn. The exceptional distance traversed between each jump requires a substantial quantity of power. Stopping to recharge the system after each jump will become increasingly necessary as the distance between each successive jump grows.

My plotted course will attempt to more thoroughly chart the closer regions of the galaxy and provide a sliver of understanding of the far reaches of space. To this end, each jump will roughly double in distance. As plotted, the final jumps will consume nearly all of the available energy banks. With the aid of the pseudo-Dyson system, I will be able to recharge the depleted energy in roughly a month’s time. From my perspective, the entire duration of this journey should be less than a single Earth year.

When first you read this, a year shall have passed since I arrived, and a year more since I departed. Yet, I have written less than a page in the duration. Be it apprehension or excitement, my heart races to discover what mysteries I shall find when I look upon my surroundings.

Until next we speak, please do not forget the fearless Captain who has held captive your hearts. With brave determination, I go towards the unknown until it be known.

With earnest sincerity,

Captain James Starrhart

Posted in Tip of the Spear - Intro Docs.

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